The War Metal Guilds and Groups

Before the War Metal developers include factions, and from the very start of the game, began to appear groups of players united by common interests.

There are groups with diverse objectives, among which the most common has been to provide mutual protection.

However, not all groups exist only to serve as "small armies" in the game (that role has now been added to the game through the factions), but there have been groups with other objectives such as promote success in epic events, share information about the game or simply have a good time.

Some of the current groups are as old as the game itself, others are more modern, but each group is as good as any other if it meets the purpose of gathering a group of players that can enjoy this added aspect to the game: the social dimension.


Funded in 2.010

We are a epic group, limited in scope, mainly moths, senti, Asp, typhon, and Encave on the weekend
Kraken, Titan and Cats during the week, and some higher level once in awhile for now.

We encourage old skool war Machine tradition of respect for the host and the epic 

To join, just request . all levels and from all groups are welcomed
My link  Robert Bender

Our Group link